Achrafieh, Beirut , Lebanon
Dubai, Damac executive heights,                 office 1901


Middle East Fertility Society


  • Section 1. Name

    This society shall be named as the “ Middle East Fertility Society ”.

  • Section 2. Definition

    The Middle East Fertility Society is a professional interest society dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of the most current scientific and clinical advances in reproductive medicine. The society is an independent academic non-profit organization. English is the official language of the society. All publications and scientific communication are in English.

  • Section 3. Purpose

    The purpose of the society will be to extend knowledge in the field of reproduction, fertility and infertility with special interest to the Middle East population, through publications, meetings, communications with various members in the field of reproduction, and other means to support all aspects of education and research coordination.

  • Section 4. Structure of the society

    The society consists of members and executive committee. Members of the executive committee shall be elected every two years.

  • Section 5. Benefits

    a) Attendance of the annual business and scientific meetings.
    b) Participation in the affairs of the society through one of the committees.
    c) Forum of interchange of ideas with other members.
    d) Publication of newsletter to keep members abreast of important activities and development affecting the field of reproduction.
    e) Publication of an official journal
    f)Support of education and research.


  • Section 1. Membership Qualifications.

    Participation and membership in the Middle East Fertility Society is open to qualified and interested individuals of all Middle East and world countries.

    The membership of this society shall consists of three classes:

    • Active members
    • Associate members
    • Honorary members

    Members will be registered according to their current country of residence and not by their nationality.

    • Active member:

      Open to physicians, scientists holding a Ph.D. degree in one of the biological sciences, or otherwise qualified individuals who have special interest in promoting the purpose of the society. They shall have the right to vote. Application of candidates for active membership shall be submitted to the Executive Director for approval. The executive committee shall review the rejected applications for final decision on them.

    • Associate member:

      students who are working towards a medical or scientific degree and physicians who are serving residencies or fellowship programs, nurses and technicians, may apply for associate membership. Membership in this status is automatically terminated one year after completion of training. Associate members may transfer to active membership during this year. Associate members applications shall be processed under the procedures outlined for active membership applicants. They shall not have the right to vote.

    • Honorary member:

      honorary membership is bestowed upon individuals who, in the opinion of the society, are deserving of this special recognition by virtue of exceptional contributions either to the field of fertility or to the society.

      Appointment of the honorary membership is conferred by the executive committee. Nomination for honorary membership must be made by at least ten members of the society to the executive committee. Honorary members shall have neither the right to vote nor hold office, shall pay no dues. Honorary members who qualify for active membership and elect to pay the annual dues shall have the privileges of active members.

  • Section 2. Revocation of membership

    Any member may have his/her membership revoked by the executive committee for reprehensible, unethical, unprofessional or criminal conduct.


  • Section 1. Annual Dues

    Active members shall pay annual fees. The amount of these annual fees shall be set by the executive committee. Dues are payable within 60 days of the date on which the invoice is submitted.

    Payment of the annual dues entitles the active member to vote, hold office and to receive the society’s publication. Associate membership fees shall be set at 50 % of the active membership fees.

  • Section 2. Default of payment

    Default of payment is the failure to pay annual dues by two months after the renewal date of membership. Any member in default of payment of the annual dues shall be suspended from all privileges of membership. If after due notice by the executive director such default is not corrected within three months, the membership of such member shall be terminated


  • Section 1. Membership

    The executive committee shall consists of 11 members:

    President, President-elect, treasurer, secretary, six members and the Executive Director.

    No more than two members per one country of residence shall be members in the executive committee. The president shall not hold office for more than one term. No member of the executive committee can hold office for more than two consecutive terms.

    The Executive Director and Medical Director shall be appointed by the Executive Board.

  • Section 2. Authority

    The management of this society shall be vested in an executive committee, who shall direct the affairs of the society in conformity with the By-laws which the society is incorporated and provisions of these bylaws.

    The executive committee shall receive and implement the recommendations and reports of the society’s various offices and committees, and may appoint special committees with specified powers for particular purposes as deemed necessary to conduct the affairs of the society.

    The president may delegate special duties and activities to the five members.

  • Section 3. Methods of election

    The executive committee shall submit its nominations through the Executive Director to the active members of the society on an official ballot twelve weeks prior to the annual meeting. The ballot shall contain the names of sixteen nominees, two for each of the following positions: President-elect, treasurer, secretary and five members. The active members have the right to elect one for each of the above positions. The term of these positions is a two-year term.

    Members of the society shall elect and return the ballots to the Executive Director one month prior to the annual meeting during which the names of the members of the new executive committee will be announced. If the ballots result is a draw, the president shall take the final decision.

    Any vacancy occurring among the members of the executive committee shall be filled by appointment by the executive committee until the end of that term.

  • Section 4. Meetings of the executive committee

    The presence of not less than five Executive Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting. The executive committee shall meet bi-annually. One such meeting shall be, an interim meeting to take place at least five months prior to the next annual meeting of the society. A majority vote will be decisive on any motion, the president having the deciding vote in case of a tie vote.

  • Section 5. Duties of officers
    • President :

      The president shall preside at all meetings of the society and its executive committee. He/she shall be the chief executive office of the society. He/she will be an ex-officio member of all committees. It shall be the duty of the president to:

      Provide leadership in the direction of the society.

      Implement and carry forth the policy set forth by the executive committee.

      Promote the growth of the society and maintain its integrity.

      Upon retirement, the president will be an ex officio member of the Executive Committee for the next two years without the power of voting.

    • President-elect:

      In the absence or incapacity of the president, the president-elect shall preside and assume the usual duties of the president. At the conclusion of his/her 2 years term, the president-elect shall succeed to the office of president.

    • The secretary:

      The secretary shall : - Record the minutes of the executive committee and the annual business meeting of the society.
      -Receive committee reports.
      - Assist the president in the conduct of the annual meeting.

    • Treasurer:

      The treasurer shall: -Have responsibility for overall monitoring of the society’s financial performance being conducted by an accountant.
      -Prepare and submit quarterly financial statements for comparison to the budget.

    • Executive Director:

      It shall be the Executive Director to: - Provide leadership in the direction of the society.
      Implement and carry forth the policy set forth by the board of Directors and executive committee.
      Promote the growth of the society and maintain its integrity.
      Organize and maintain an administrative staff to carry out the following activities:
      Maintain a register of names, addresses, and membership status of all members.
      Conduct all official correspondence of the society, including the sending of notices required by these Bylaws or Articles of Incorporation.
      Keep the specific records of the annual meetings, programs, registration, memoranda, etc., for reference by subsequent committees.
      be an ex-officio member of all committees.
      Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertain to, or may be required of the office of the Executive Director.
      Assign specific duties to the medical Director.

    • Medical Director:

      It shall be the duty of the Medical Director to:
      Assist the Executive Director in the performance of his/her duties.
      In the case of illness, incapacity, or death of the Executive Director, perform all the duties of the Executive Director until the Board of Directors has appointed a new Executive Director.
      Direct the medical education activities of the Society.
      Coordinate the scientific activities of the special interest groups


  • Section 1. Annual Meeting

    The annual meeting of the society shall be held at a time and place designated by the executive committee.

  • Section 2. Special Meetings

    Special meetings of the entire membership may be called at any time by the executive committee.

  • Section 3. Notice of Meetings

    Notice of all official meetings, whether annual or special, shall be sent to all members by the Executive Director at least four months in advance. In the case of special meetings, the notice shall specify the nature of the business to be transacted.

  • Section 4. Quorum

    The presence of not less than fifty members or ten percent of the total membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any annual or special meeting.

  • Section 5. Presentation of Papers

    In conjunction with its annual business meeting, there is an annual scientific meeting, at which papers of current interest are presented.

    Society members are encouraged to submit papers for consideration for presentation at the scientific meeting at least twelve weeks prior to the meeting.


  • Section 1.

    The society shall have the power to accept grants for the purpose of continuing its activities in research and education.

ARTICLE VII- Amendments To The By-Laws

  • Section 1. Procedure

    Amendments to these by-laws must be proposed in writing by active members in good standing, and must be submitted to the Executive Director, at least eight months, before the annual meeting. The proposed changes will then be reviewed and endorsed by the executive committee for final approval of the proposal.

    Upon approval by the executive committee, at least one month prior to the annual meeting, the Executive Director will send each active and associate member a copy of the proposed amendments and comments of the executive committee.

  • Section 2. Voting

    During the annual business meeting, the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the society’s voting members present shall be required for the adoption of an amendment.

    At least one month prior to the annual meeting, the executive director will send each active and associate member a copy of the proposed amendments.